“The children really enjoyed it and looked forward to the lessons. There are loads of powerful messages for children that are often missing in today’s society. Our school is strongly considering using the programme across the school.”
Mr Carrick, Thorgumbald Primary School
“I have learned to be more responsible for myself.”
Cara, 10
“My Headteacher was impressed with the resources.”
No Name Provided
“I have really enjoyed it because it is not like other lessons. You get to write down what things mean to you, and it is fun!”
Jennifer, 9
“There is nothing really out there that tackles spirituality head on… This is an excellent resource… This programme allows them firstly to understand the concepts of spirituality and see how it applies in their everyday life.”
Tom Earles, Teacher, Year 6
“I have learned that it’s not about what you get, it’s what you feel that is important.”
Louis, 10
“We were concerned we might be a little behind but were inspired by a neighboring school to continue when they informed us much the children were enjoying and benefiting from the programme”.
Susan Miller, Teacher in East Riding
“The shopkeeper was silly in a funny way. It made me think about why I do things and science too”
‘The resources had been put together thoughtfully. The children loved the workbooks.’
– Miss Sandra Henderson, Little Weighton
‘I have learnt to listen to my True Voice and avoid my Opponent Voice’
Jack, 10
‘The children particularly enjoyed the video clips’
– Mrs S Harris, Beeford CE Primary School
‘Spirituality means things you can’t see, like happiness and anger’
Jennifer, 9
‘Lovely quality of materials, Children eager to watch DVD. They all thought Ari was “cool”.’
– Mrs Cranston, Quay Academy
‘During WITGOL lessons we first watch a short clip then we do a fun task! It helps us to become better people’
Cara. 10.
‘On the right level for the children’
– Mrs Ingram, All Saints Academy
‘I have learned to always listen to your True Voice, never make the Opponent take over your life. The True Voice likes to make people around you happy’
Ellie, 10
“I have really enjoyed it because it prepares you for your life ahead.”
George, 9
“The programme was very well received by the children. They fully engaged with the interactive nature and computer style graphics. The children thoroughly enjoyed the games which gave opportunities for important discussion points. Many of the sessions extended way beyond the lesson boundaries. We would be happy to continue the pilot with the aim of developing the programme in school.”
Mrs Havercroft, Tickton CE Primary School
“I’ve really enjoyed it because you can let your feelings out onto paper (write it down). It relieves me of my fears and doubts.”
Elly, 9
‘Quality of the books was excellent – The (videos) were very engaging, the children loved these.’
– Suzanne Spencer Smith, Patcham Primary School
“In the lessons, we learn how to be a better person in a fun way!”
Lucy, 9
‘Presented attractively, clear and easy to use.’
– Julie Lofthouse, Rawcliffe Bridge Primary
‘If you listen to your True Voice, it will lead you to happiness and joy.’
Kelly, 9
‘Engaging and thought provoking’
– N Havercroft, Tickton Primary School
‘During SFK lessons we watch really cool ‘Game of Life’ videos, have discussions about the topic and play games based on SFK’
Tia, 10
‘Appealed to the children, They really enjoyed watching the DVD. Good level (of material)’
– Mrs Smut, Quay Academy
‘Spirituality means expressing your spiritual feelings’
George, 9
‘The children really enjoyed it and always looked forward to the lesson. There are loads of powerful messages for children that are often absent in today’s society.’
– Mr R Carrick, Thorgumbold Primary School
‘I think spirituality means to reveal your inside to the outside world’
Ashleigh, 10
‘Many children commented on wanting to find out what happened next’
– Mr N Havercroft, Tickton Primary School
‘I have learned that you have to make an effort to lead you to long-lasting fulfilment”
Ben, 9
“Spirituality means the light inside of you and the things that make it shine”
William, 10
“WITGOL has had a positive effect on the children and has made them consider their actions and how they may affect themselves/others.”
Ms Lofthouse, Rawcliffe Bridge Primary
“I liked Ari because he got nicer and started to think about others & not just himself”
“We feel the trial was a success and will continue to use the resources”
Tom, Teacher in Sussex
“I liked how a rude boy did the Game of Life & he turned nicer. The light came out of him, everybody has light”
“We have enjoyed meeting Ari and seeing his progress. We have offered the ‘Reflective Journals’ to the children for home use in their personal time. Thank you very much for allowing us access to these super materials. They can be used in different ways, which is great. We used some of the activities with small groups which worked well.”
Mrs Cranston, Quay Academy
‘During WITGOL we talk about lots of different things and watch videos based around it. It is all about what to do in your life’
Phillip, 10
The pupils are finding the project fascinating as it ties in with our school themes for the year. The pupils are embracing the opportunity to discuss their ideas and feelings and are becoming more receptive listening partners in the process. We feel we have always provided a platform for the children to express themselves but this project has supported our work and allowed the pupils to develop their speaking and listening skills and enabled them to develop peer support.
Teacher, Beeford, East Riding
‘Spirituality means showing and sharing your emotions to the world. Also it means express yourself and show your inner light’
Tia, 10
‘Good resources, everything was there that was needed’
– Emma Hessay, Rawcliffe Bridge Primary
‘During SFK lessons we learn how to understand life and spiritual fulfilment’
Daisy, 10
‘All enjoyed / engaged, provided platform for discussion at the right level for this age group’
– Mrs Cranston, Quay Academy
“I learned that in life you need to make an effort to feel good”
Phillip, 10
‘The children really valued the creative natures of the tasks’
– Mrs Huntsman, All Saints Academy
“During WITGOL lessons we learn about the spiritual side of ourselves and learn to be a better person”
Samuel, 10
‘Pupils enjoyed having their own booklets’
– J Fielder, Little Weighton