

Lilian Weatherley – Education Consultant

‘I have been involved with Winning in the Game of Life since being asked to adapt the programme for the UK market. Over the years I have worked with several pilots across different parts of the country and have led training on the programme with staff. I never cease to be amazed at the impact that this programme has on the young people who are involved in the programme; the significant improvement in their self-esteem as well as their knowledge and understanding of how their behaviour affects their learning and their relationships with others.’

Lilian is an independent consultant and the Director of ‘Inspire to Learn Consultancy’. After training and working as a primary school teacher for many years, Lilian moved into secondary education. She became Head of RE and PSHE but also taught English, Special Educational Needs, Art, Dance and Drama. She has considerable experience of leading CPD at Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels as well as training governors and parish clergy for their work in schools. She also has experience with students in initial teacher training.

From 1992 -2010 she was a Diocesan Schools’ Adviser (Winchester and Portsmouth) with responsibility for SIAS( Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools) inspections, RE, Worship, Social Cohesion and Pupils’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development. During this period she was also contracted to the Isle of Wight as the Local Authority RE Adviser.

Her Diocesan role also involved appointing headteachers and senior staff and working with many schools in an Ofsted category to help improve classroom practice and raise standards. She also worked with academies and supported Church School governors with federations and partnerships.

Lilian has experience as an Ofsted inspector both in the UK and Dubai. She is also a SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) and was involved in the writing of the first SIAS framework and the training of SIAS inspectors for the National Society (the body responsible for church schools) For many years Lilian represented the National Society on the RE Council for England and Wales.

Lilian continues to support East Sussex SACRE and is a Senior Adviser for Prospects Improve leading on pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, religious education and collective worship.

As an RE consultant Lilian has written an Agreed Syllabus and worked closely with subject leaders to develop and write support materials and self-evaluation.

Lilian is also an education consultant for Enlightened Productions Ltd and has been involved with the Winning in the Game of Life project since 2011 and was responsible for adapting the materials for the UK market.

Lilian has extensive experience in working with staff to inspire and motivate young people. She has worked closely with school staff to improve their practice, especially in the areas of spiritual development, the creative arts and reflection.

Lilian has written and published school text books as well as a wide range of materials to support schools on RE, Collective Worship and SMSC development. She has also written diocesan self-evaluation materials to support the National Society’s SIAS Framework.

In 2012 she was a member of the RE Council’s ‘REsilience’ project which supported RE teachers when dealing with contentious issues in the classroom and in 2013 she became accredited as a mentor for the national RE Quality Mark

She has led many educational trips abroad for teachers to inspire and motivate them and has fostered links with schools in several countries including Spain, (Alcossebre) Italy (Florence) and the US (Santa Monica California). She is also trained in Philosophy for Children level one and coaching and mentoring staff.

Sue Holmes, Winning The Game of Life

Sue Holmes – Education Consultant

“Winning in the Game of Life™ offers a completely different approach to supporting children & development. Children are engaged with the project and animated when talking about the videos they have watched. It allows children to verbalize feelings and develop greater self-understanding.”

Sue grew up in London before moving North in 1985. She is a cancer research scientist turned primary teacher, advisory teacher turned independent consultant. Sue held a dual role as Religious Education adviser for the East Riding of Yorkshire local authority and the York Anglican Diocese, and she has been a registered Church School inspector.

With wide-ranging experience both in and out of the classroom, Sue is currently an RE Quality Mark assessor, and she chairs the Beverley Schools Christian Trust, sitting on the local Inter-Faith Committee. She is currently Secretary to the National Association of SACREs (NASACRE).

Sue has lectured on RE elements of B.Ed and PGCE courses at Hull University and worked with PhD students on Spirit of the School research at York St John. She led the cross-unitary team that wrote the Agreed Syllabus for RE in the Humberside region in 1999, 2005, 2011 and 2016. Sue is currently working on the Learn, Teach, Lead RE project to grow the next generation of lead RE practitioners.

Sue weaves aspects of her personal passion – nurturing young people’s spirituality through the environment – into RE whenever she can. She has run local Brownies, Guides and environmental groups for kids, supporting the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

As an associate adviser for Winning in the Game of Life™, Sue helped to deliver the programme’s teacher training courses and participate as part of the evaluation team during both of the programme’s pilot phases.

Trevor Davies – Specialist Educator / UK Curriculum

“Winning in the Game of Life™ is a comprehensive and engaging programme which incorporates all the aspects needed for the successful development of the young person whilst offering the teachers a tried and tested process to support and evidence their SMSC activities.”

Trevor has an outstanding career track record, which includes teaching, headship, curriculum development and school inspection.

As an independent educational specialist, Trevor helps develop and leads on school and academy improvement and training, especially in leadership and management and leading inspections. He and a team of advisors are currently working in approximately 400 UK schools across all phases – the focus of which is in developing leadership teams and improving teaching and learning in order to raise standards.

Trevor is also involved in the development and design of courses and conferences, often with the support of head

teachers, to ensure that events are well focused and meet the needs of schools.

As a specialist in the early years foundation stage he works closely with nursery schools and children’s centres. Trevor has also worked on innovative initiatives to support those with learning difficulties, especially autism. Trevor’s main focus is training for senior leaders and schools nationally. Although mostly based in the West Midlands, his team also work extensively in London and the south of England.

Until recently Trevor was the Head of Prospects Improve, a specialist division of Prospects Education Group.

Who Is Behind It?

Find out how the programme was developed and learn about our plans for the future

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What Does It Involve?

Review the materials and take a quick look at the supporting lesson videos

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