Who is behind

Winning In The Game Of Life?

Winning in the Game of Life™ is brought to the UK by Spirituality for Kids International Inc. and Enlightened Media Ltd.


Winning in the Game of Life™ has been assessed, adapted and trialled nationally by recognised UK educational experts for use in UK primary schools curriculum to support the delivery of the Department of Education’s SMSC ( Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural ) and British Values requirements.

Spirituality for Kids International Inc. (SFK)

SFK is a US-based charity that works on developing better emotional and spiritual intelligence utilising a non-religious and education based approach.

For the past 15 years, SFK has been creating programmes that encourage children to reflect upon their actions, to see challenges as opportunities, to develop self-worth, and to activate the desire to make a difference in the world around them.

Through an entertaining and self-guided curriculum, SFK is helping children focus on their goals and better understand the impact of their choices.

Enlightened Media

Enlightened Media is a company whose intention is to utilise digital media for social good. It uses a range of products and services that cover many areas including education, training and publishing to support the education and empowerment of young people. This process involves collaborating with proven product providers, individuals and organisations to co-create content and support distribution as well the creation of wholly owned content and social initiatives.

The Company’s social initiatives are operated by its Charitable Foundation to help young people achieve their full potential.

What Does It Involve?

Review the materials and take a quick look at the supporting lesson videos

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Pilot Result

Find out how the programme was evaluated, who was involved and what the teachers and pupils had to say about it.

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