How was it
The programme was originally created in the USA by the Charity, Spirituality for Kids International Inc. (“SFK”), which utilises a non-religious educational approach to developing better emotional and spiritual intelligence. For the past 15 years, SFK has been creating programmes that encourage children to reflect on their actions, see challenges as opportunities, develop self- worth, and to activate the desire to make a difference in the world around them. Through an entertaining and self-guided curriculum, SFK has helped children focus on their goals and understand the impact of their choices.
It was recognised that the programme could meet an important need in UK schools, according to the revised school inspection framework (Ofsted 2012) and the 2014 guidelines for Social, Moral, Cultural and Spiritual (SMSC) and British values.
Engaging key industry partners was important to the evaluation process and was understood to be essential to the long-term success of the programme so we were pleased to gain the support of industry renowned partners – Prospects and Prospects Improve.
All three organisations were engaged in the evaluation and modification process of the initial materials ensuring the finished product was appropriate for trial in UK schools.
The revised materials have since been successfully piloted resulting in the creation of a format that meets both the current Government’s curriculum expectations and Ofsted requirements.
The Winning in the Game of Life Programme™ has been specifically adapted to offer a structured programme based on best practice which can be easily implemented by Primary School Teachers and offers an engaging and effective educational resource.
We are now delighted to be able to offer this new curriculum-focused product to all UK primary schools. Its aim is to help schools address and deliver alongside those areas highlighted in the Social, Moral, Cultural and Spiritual Education framework and the November 2014 directive from the Department of Education to promote British Values.
The UK programme has been adapted with input from educational specialists and subject matter experts including those from Prospects and Prospects Improve.
Prospects provides a wide range of education, employment and training services in the UK and internationally. Its subsidiary, Prospects Improve, is renowned as one of the UK’s leading, award winning, school and academy improvement service providers.